
hemp stalk Learn more about hemp stalk

  • The propagation method of hemp stem flower

    The propagation method of hemp stem flower

    You may not know much about this variety, and even many friends have not heard of it. Today, the editor will introduce to you the breeding method of hemp stalk flower. Let's take a look at it together. I. the method of propagation of hemp stem flower is mainly propagated or divided by seed.

    2020-11-08 Hemp stalk flower reproduction method hemp stalk flower this a variety everyone
  • How much is the price of hemp walnut? How to harvest after maturity?

    How much is the price of hemp walnut? How to harvest after maturity?

    Sesame walnut is different from ordinary edible and oil-squeezed walnut, it can be used as a walnut for hand play and cultural play. Its color, such as agate, can be used as carving handicrafts. Do you know how much a walnut costs? How to harvest after maturity? How much is the price of hemp walnut?

    2020-11-09 Hemp walnut price more less money one mature later how hemp
  • Orchid terminology

    Orchid terminology

    On April 9, 2010, Mr. Xiao, the owner of the Huiyuan Garden in Chutian Orchid in Wuhan, and his four orchid friends drove more than 1,000 kilometers to Jiande, Zhejiang. They bought a pot of 12 grass with two-pole flowers at a high price from the local Lanyou, and presented them to the 4th Zhejiang Huangyan Huilan Exhibition on April 12. This is done in Jiang.

  • Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

  • Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

    Appreciation terminology

  • Cultivation of imitation wild Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation of imitation wild Gastrodia elata

    Imitation wild cultivation of Gastrodia elata, that is, artificial cultivation imitating the field growth environment of Gastrodia elata, can not only maintain the quality of wild Gastrodia elata, but also increase its yield. The main results are as follows: 1. the seed hemp is selected to use the collected wild Gastrodia elata stem as the seed hemp, or the young hemp cultivated by sexual propagation technology as the seed hemp. It is required that the seed hemp has a yellow appearance, no scars, no black spots, conical shape and uniform size. Degraded Gastrodia elata, which has been planted for many years, can not be used as seed. Second, the selection and cultivation of fungus materials should choose the thickness of fungi.

  • Planting conditions of industrial mandarin

    Planting conditions of industrial mandarin

    Marijuana is illegal in our country. However, industrial marijuana can be grown in Yunnan. Let's take a look at the planting conditions of industrial plants. Units or individuals that violate drug control laws and regulations shall not engage in the cultivation of industrial marijuana. Processing conditions

    2020-11-08 Industry industry rice planting conditions marijuana in I the country illegal.
  • Gong Xuehanlan

    Gong Xuehanlan

    Downhill new product fine leaf cold orchid, hemp green pole, flower stalk red, five petals with red tendons, tendons obviously clear, sharp contrast, round tongue hanging, edge pocket, tongue surface is all vegetarian.

  • Planting techniques of Ramie

    Planting techniques of Ramie

    Planting techniques of Ramie

  • Companion planting technique of Gastrodia elata in four ponds

    Companion planting technique of Gastrodia elata in four ponds

    The four-pond companion planting method of sexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata is to plant Gastrodia elata seeds, germinating bacteria, Armillaria mellea and fungus together, which is called the four-bottom pool companion planting method. This co-planting method not only saves labor and time, increases the yield of Gastrodia elata, but also saves wood, and can obtain double benefits, which is worth popularizing. First, the selection and storage of seed hemp leaves the arrow buds at the top, which are full, fresh, scar-free, disease-free, pest-free and weighing about 200 grams, which are spread out and dried with water on the epidermis, and stored for spring planting. It can be stored indoors or outdoors, and the key is to prevent frost injury.

  • Cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata is the dry tuber of Orchidaceae plant Gastrodia elata (gastrodiaelata), also known as Red Arrow, Shuipu, tomorrow Ma and so on. It has the effects of calming the liver and relieving wind, dispelling wind and dredging collaterals. It mainly produces Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Hubei, Anhui and other provinces. Now there are introduction and cultivation all over the country. (1) morphological characteristics of perennial herbs, rootless, no green leaves, plant height 30 cm ~ 150 cm. Tuber fleshy, oval, yellowish in appearance, with uniform links, membranous scales and inconspicuous buds at nodes

  • Rouge lotus valve

    Rouge lotus valve

    Rouge lotus, is a variety of lotus petal orchid, named because of color such as rouge dye, petal lotus type. The first name is lotus type light red lotus petal. It is produced in the valley of the three parallel rivers of Jinsha River, Lancang River and Nujiang River in northwest Yunnan. It was found in the spring of 2001 that Huang Guisheng, an expert in understanding orchid in Dali, was bought back and introduced from the producing area at a high price. A cluster of 4 seedlings was a rare variety of Orchid. Orchids.

  • What kind of plant is Ramie? What are the cultivation techniques?

    What kind of plant is Ramie? What are the cultivation techniques?

    Ramie is one of the important fiber crops in ancient China, which has a long history and is generally planted on mountain flat land, gentle slope land, hilly land or plain impact soil. What kind of plant is Ramie? What are the cultivation techniques? What kind of plant is Ramie? In our cognition

    2020-11-08 Ramie what is Ramie plants cultivation skills there are which Ramie is
  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Ramie

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Ramie

    Ramie is one of the important fiber crops in ancient times, which has been cultivated in China for more than 4000 years. Ramie was mainly used to make linen cloth and fine hemp rope in ancient times. With the progress of society, these articles are constantly eliminated, but the protein content in Ramie leaves is found later.

    2020-11-10 The latest Ramie planting technology methods tutorials is
  • The planting season of Gastrodia elata

    The planting season of Gastrodia elata

    The growth of crops has certain growth rules, and planting Gastrodia elata is no exception. A good living environment can help the roots of Gastrodia elata grow stronger, so that growers can get a better harvest. So the editor here provides you with some looks like Gastrodia elata.

    2020-11-08 Gastrodia elata planting season crop mature growing one fixed
  • The production management of Gastrodia elata cultivation in summer and autumn is very important.

    The production management of Gastrodia elata cultivation in summer and autumn is very important.

    The production management of Gastrodia elata cultivation in summer and autumn is very important.

  • How to grow gastrodia elata

    How to grow gastrodia elata

    When it comes to gastrodia elata, I believe everyone is not unfamiliar, because it is more common in our lives. Gastrodia elata food value is very high, moderate consumption of the body has a lot of benefits, and eating methods are more. So how do you plant and cultivate Tianma? Below and Small

    2020-11-08 Tianma how planting cultivation techniques when it comes to Tianma believe everyone
  • How often should I eat Gastrodia elata? How to plant it? Can there be side effects if you eat too much?

    How often should I eat Gastrodia elata? How to plant it? Can there be side effects if you eat too much?

    Gastrodia elata is generally dug in winter and spring, and the quality is good for those who pick it in winter, and the quality is not as good as that for spring. Many friends do not know how often it is better to eat Gastrodia elata, and many farmers begin to plant Gastrodia elata, but improper methods lead to income.

    2020-11-09 Gastrodia elata how long eat once better how plant more
  • How much is the price of pepper?

    How much is the price of pepper?

    How much is the price of pepper?

  • What kind of grain do we often talk about as "whole grains"?

    What kind of grain do we often talk about as

    The whole grain is the most common staple food on our table, and it is the basic diet necessary for the human body. The theory of grain first appeared in the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period, and there are different views in different times, so what kind of grain do we often talk about? One, five grains

    2020-11-09 We as we often say " cereals " we all have.